A significant part of our exhibit revolves around Norwegian fairy tales and their protagonists. These fairy tales showcase different types of trolls such as the mountain, sea, and forest trolls.
We present both individual characters and installations of entire scenes from these stories and we do this by using handmade, original figures with exceptional attention to detail as well as beautiful illustrations. In addition, some (but not all) of these installations are supplemented with Augmented Reality technology (for more details about AR, go here).
Our exhibit relies on the work of collectors of fairy tales Asbjørnsen and Moe, as well as illustrations by Theodor Kittelsen. It is only thanks to them that all these stories have survived to this day. You can learn more about them and their work in our museum.
We even have one of the oldest editions of Troldskab – a famous fairytale collection illustrated by Theodor Kittelsen – on display.
This 1892 edition is too fragile to leaf through, but we have prepared an excellent thematic library full of Norwegian fairy tales for you instead!
Come and see for yourself!